AFEZ – ALAT Free Economic Zone

ALAT Free Economic Zone map
ALAT Free Economic Zone map

The Azerbaijan leadership has firmly committed the country to move forward towards establishing itself as a knowledge-based economy. This commitment supports the country becoming:

  • a competitive participant in international economic relations
  • a world-class business environment with
  • the energy, transport, transit, and logistical infrastructure to support
  • a diversified and export-oriented economy creating high added value
  • reducing dependence on oil and gas

AFEZ is being planned and developed to play a central role in transforming this vision of Azerbaijan as a diversified, export-oriented, knowledge economy into reality.

AFEZ is being established next to Alat Port to intensify local and foreign investment in the country’s non-oil sector. AFEZ will use this strategic geographic location to provide a regional investment hub and boost competitiveness in the Europe-Caucasus-Asia and North-South transport corridors.

All is in place to ensure that AFEZ will provide an operational and investor-ready location by July 2022.

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